Research at a glance​

Alpha Stim M

Safety, impressive results, and long-term effectiveness


Physician and patient surveys that show 90% of the people who use Alpha-Stim® CES and MET devices get significant relief when using it as a form of pain, anxiety, depression, or insomnia treatment. This is supported by over 100 completed independent research studies and published reports, many of which were randomly controlled trials to ensure rigorous testing and clinically validated results on the medical devices.


That’s why over 200 Department of Defense (DOD) practitioners and over 92 Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals use Alpha-Stim with military personnel for acute, chronic, and post-traumatic pain, anxiety, depression, and insomnia treatment.

Physician Post-Marketing Survey on 500 Alpha-Stim® Patients​

Peer-Reviewed Outcomes on 2,500 Alpha-Stim® Patients Self-Reports​


Clinical studies


OPEN  Overview brochure of the Alpha-Stim M and the Alpha-Stim AID



OPEN  Pain-graphic-summary

OPEN  2019 Retrospective VA Pain study - Federal Practitioner

OPEN  2019 A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachers

OPEN  2016 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - Keizer

OPEN  2013 Pain in Fibro Patients - Taylor

OPEN  2013 Brain Pain Processing in Fibro - Taylor

OPEN  2011 Post-op Pain - Sizer

OPEN  2011 Neuropathic Pain Following Spinal Injury - Tan

OPEN  2010 Veterans with Chronic Pain - Tan

OPEN  2009 Cumulative Response for Chronic Pain - Holubec
OPEN  2006 Pain with Spinal Injury - Tan
OPEN  2004 Pain with Fibro - Cork

OPEN  2004 Chronic Pain in Korea - Tae-Kye

OPEN  2001 Pain in Fibro Patients - Lichtbroun

OPEN  2001 MET Effectiveness in Pain Management - Smith

OPEN  2001 Chronic Pain Control - Kulkarni

OPEN  1998 Case Study on TBI and Full Body Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy - Alpher

OPEN  1997 EEG & Pain Control - Heffernan

OPEN  1987 Pain-Spasm Cycle in Low-Back - Zimmerman

OPEN  1986 Orthodontic Pain - Roth

OPEN  1983 Head and Neck Cancer Pain - Bauer



OPEN  Insomnia-graphic-summary

OPEN  2019 First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depression

OPEN  2019 A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachers

OPEN  2016 Retrospective review of patient perception - Rickabaugh

OPEN  2016 Behavioral Health in Combat Operational Setting - Hare

OPEN  2013 Insomnia in Fibro Patients - Taylor

OPEN  2013 Insomnia in Active Duty Service Members - Lande

OPEN  2001 Insomnia in Fibro Patients - Lichtbroun

OPEN  2000 Insomnia in Horses - Clark



OPEN  Anxiety-graphic-summary

OPEN  2019 First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depression

OPEN  2019 A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachers

OPEN  2016 Reducing Stress and Improving Prefrontal Cortex Function in Victims of Domestic Violence - Mellen

OPEN  2016 Behavioral Health in Combat Operational Setting - Hare

OPEN  2015 Induced Anxiety - Hill

OPEN  2014 Military and Veteran Self Report - Kirsch

OPEN  2014 Comparative Study of Anxiety Disorders with Paxil and CES - Lu

OPEN  2014 Anxiety and Comorbid Depression - Barclay

OPEN  2013 Preop Anxiety, Pain and Endocrine Response - Lee

OPEN  2013 Dental Anxiety - Koleoso

OPEN  2008 State-trait Anxiety in Chronically Mentally Ill - Stretzsch

OPEN  2008 Preop Anxiety & Hemodynamic Response - Kim

OPEN  2008 Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Bystritsky 

OPEN  2007 Children with Mixed Anxiety & Depressive Disorder - Chen

OPEN  2005 Children with Emotional Disorders - Lu

OPEN  1999 Dental Anxiety - Winick

OPEN  1999 Acute Anxiety Disorders - Overcash

OPEN  1995 Anxiety disorders among outpatient psych patients - voris

OPEN  1995 anxiety disorders among outpatient psych patients - voris



OPEN  Depression-graphic-summary

OPEN  2019 First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depression

OPEN  2019 A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachers

OPEN  2016 Behavioral Health in Combat Operational Setting - Hare

OPEN  2014 Military and Veteran Self Report - Kirsch

OPEN  2014 Anxiety and Comorbid Depression - Barclay

OPEN  2013 Chronically Symptomatic Bipolar Patients - Amr

OPEN  2008 Depression & Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Bystritsky

OPEN  2007 Children with Mixed Anxiety & Depressive Disorder - Chen

OPEN  2005 Children with Emotional Disorders - Lu



OPEN  Barclay Anxiety & Comorbid Depression White Paper

OPEN  Bystritsky Generalized Anxiety White Paper

OPEN  Kirsch Service Member & Veteran Report White Paper

OPEN  Lande EEG White Paper

OPEN  Lande Insomnia White Paper

OPEN  Libretto Integrative PTSD White Paper

OPEN  MD Anderson White Paper

OPEN  Tan Spinal Cord Injury White Paper



OPEN  10.2019 Bibliography by indication

OPEN  Alpha-Stim M Clinical Evaluation - 4.25.19

OPEN  American Psychological Association Book chapter

OPEN  M Practitioner Brochure MKT-LP-001 REV D - Digital



OPEN  American Veterinarian July 2018 feature



Stimtech Medical Limited

8 Settlers Crescent

Ferrymead, Christchurch 8023

0800 774 885

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