
The Alpha-Stim® has gained a strong reputation as a powerful natural treatment for Anxiety disorders and Anxiety symptoms.



The technology is based on an exclusively patented waveform that is the most researched and proven of its kind.


A number of leading practitioners and the NHS are now using the Alpha-Stim® to help manage their patients’ anxiety disorders and symptoms.



A 2019 NHS study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders has demonstrated how patients saw significant reductions in their Anxiety when using the Alpha-Stim® AID.

Encouraging a state of focused relaxation

The Alpha-Stim® can be extremely useful to those suffering from short term Anxiety and Anxiety disorder alike, due to its powerful ability to enhance relaxation.


Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) drastically increases the production of alpha brain waves, which causes a state of focused relaxation. Encouraging this state will help sufferers to not only feel physically more relaxed, but also to re-access the situations and circumstances that make them feel anxious.

61% less anxiety

Patients reported an average of 61% less anxiety after one CES therapy.

94% overall decrease

Participants reported an average of 94% anxiety relief after 5 weeks.

How does Alpha-Stim work for anxiety relief?

Every single mood and emotion you experience – including anxiety – is controlled by electrochemical signals in your brain. For the most part, the medical profession relies on medication for anxiety treatment, but taking drugs is not the only path to relief. What if we focused on the electro part of electrochemical instead of the chemical?  What if we found a safe and drug-free anxiety therapy that works with your brain’s electrical and electrochemical signals?  There is such a thing, and it’s called cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES).


Increasingly, medical experts recognize the Alpha-Stim CES device as an effective, anxiety treatment without medication and without the risk of addiction.


We use a mild microcurrent similar to the type and amount of electricity naturally occurring in your brain. The microcurrent is tiny, just millionths of an ampere, and so gentle that most people don’t even feel it. The device transmits the waveform through small clips on your earlobes that send a microcurrent through the brain, modulating specific groups of nerve cells. This leads to significant stress and anxiety relief, and mood normalization.


It takes about 20 minutes and you can do it in the comfort of your home. Most Alpha-Stim users notice an immediate reduction in anxiety and an increased feeling of wellbeing from their first treatment.


Unlike drugs, there’s no way to develop a “tolerance” for CES, so there’s never a need to increase dosages. The benefits of CES technology are cumulative. Each treatment builds on the progress of the last. In that way, it will relieve your anxiety for longer periods, so you may find you need less frequent Alpha-Stim treatments after the first few weeks.


OPEN  Overview brochure of the Alpha-Stim M and the Alpha-Stim AID



OPEN  Anxiety-graphic-summary

OPEN  2019 First responder research shows that electrical brain stimulation helps control anxiety, insomnia, and depression

OPEN  2019 A novel medical device that relieves anxiety, depression and pain while improving sleep in a population of teachers

OPEN  2016 Reducing Stress and Improving Prefrontal Cortex Function in Victims of Domestic Violence - Mellen

OPEN  2016 Behavioral Health in Combat Operational Setting - Hare

OPEN  2015 Induced Anxiety - Hill

OPEN  2014 Military and Veteran Self Report - Kirsch

OPEN  2014 Comparative Study of Anxiety Disorders with Paxil and CES - Lu

OPEN  2014 Anxiety and Comorbid Depression - Barclay

OPEN  2013 Preop Anxiety, Pain and Endocrine Response - Lee

OPEN  2013 Dental Anxiety - Koleoso

OPEN  2008 State-trait Anxiety in Chronically Mentally Ill - Stretzsch

OPEN  2008 Preop Anxiety & Hemodynamic Response - Kim

OPEN  2008 Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Bystritsky 

OPEN  2007 Children with Mixed Anxiety & Depressive Disorder - Chen

OPEN  2005 Children with Emotional Disorders - Lu

OPEN  1999 Dental Anxiety - Winick

OPEN  1999 Acute Anxiety Disorders - Overcash

OPEN  1995 Anxiety disorders among outpatient psych patients - voris

OPEN  1995 anxiety disorders among outpatient psych patients - voris

OPEN  Barclay Anxiety & Comorbid Depression White Paper

OPEN  Bystritsky Generalized Anxiety White Paper

OPEN  Kirsch Service Member & Veteran Report White Paper

OPEN  10.2019 Bibliography by indication

OPEN  Alpha-Stim M Clinical Evaluation - 4.25.19

OPEN  American Psychological Association Book chapter

OPEN  M Practitioner Brochure MKT-LP-001 REV D - Digital

Anxiety Testimonial

"I am absolutely thrilled with the Alpha-Stim machine. The very first night after using the machine I had a huge somato-emotional release,  the equivalent of having a therapy session. I have been using the Alpha-Stim machine at least once a day, usually for an hour at a time, since purchasing it, using varying currents each time, between 300 and 450 microamperes, depending on how stressed I felt. I have been delighted to notice my anxiety/stress levels have been diminishing and my breathing, as a whole, is becoming more relaxed and rhythmic. The Alpha-Stim machine is so easy to use and very practical. I highly recommend the Alpha-Stim machine for PTSD, fear, and anxiety." - Jacqueline Scott, Timaru, New Zealand   Disclaimer: The testimonials on this page reflect the personal experiences of individuals who have engaged with Brilin Functional Medicine Centre. While these accounts represent real client experiences, results may vary from person to person. The information provided is not intended to guarantee specific outcomes, nor should it be considered medical advice. If you have any health concerns, we encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.​

Anxiety, Depression & Chronic Pain​ Testimonial

"Getting my first Alpha-Stim treatment and it’s BLOWING my mind! I was sent in for some insomnia issues I’ve been having. This is a natural way to help with anxiety, depression and even chronic pain. I’m so grateful to have found this! Straight. Up. Grateful. I can’t believe how amazing this feels." - re-gram from @rebecca4all   Disclaimer: The testimonials on this page reflect the personal experiences of individuals who have engaged with Brilin Functional Medicine Centre. While these accounts represent real client experiences, results may vary from person to person. The information provided is not intended to guarantee specific outcomes, nor should it be considered medical advice. If you have any health concerns, we encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.​

Pain & Anxiety Testimonial​

“Alpha-Stim has proven, over time, to be my reliable source for relief. It eliminates my severe and chronic pain, and restores a welcomed and peaceful sense of well-being.” - Jack McCalister, US Military Veteran, Oklahoma​   Disclaimer: The testimonials on this page reflect the personal experiences of individuals who have engaged with Brilin Functional Medicine Centre. While these accounts represent real client experiences, results may vary from person to person. The information provided is not intended to guarantee specific outcomes, nor should it be considered medical advice. If you have any health concerns, we encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia & Depression Testimonial​

“The Alpha-Stim device is easy to use and has been well received by our players. The consensus here has been very positive.” - Kevin P. O’Neill, MS, ATC, Former Head Athletic Trainer, Dallas Cowboys, Texas​   Disclaimer: The testimonials on this page reflect the personal experiences of individuals who have engaged with Brilin Functional Medicine Centre. While these accounts represent real client experiences, results may vary from person to person. The information provided is not intended to guarantee specific outcomes, nor should it be considered medical advice. If you have any health concerns, we encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia & Depression Testimonial​

 “As far as the Dallas Cowboys are concerned, Alpha-Stim has stood the test of time yet remains at the forefront of electromedicine.” - Jim D. Maurer, LAT, ATC, Head Athletic Trainer, Dallas Cowboys, Texas​   Disclaimer: The testimonials on this page reflect the personal experiences of individuals who have engaged with Brilin Functional Medicine Centre. While these accounts represent real client experiences, results may vary from person to person. The information provided is not intended to guarantee specific outcomes, nor should it be considered medical advice. If you have any health concerns, we encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia & Depression Testimonial​

“For immediate pain relief…Alpha-Stim has no equivalent. There is no modality available that will give as quick and profound relief.” - Jack L. Haden, DDS, Past President of the American Academy of Head, Neck, Facial Pain, and TMJ Orthopaedics​   Disclaimer: The testimonials on this page reflect the personal experiences of individuals who have engaged with Brilin Functional Medicine Centre. While these accounts represent real client experiences, results may vary from person to person. The information provided is not intended to guarantee specific outcomes, nor should it be considered medical advice. If you have any health concerns, we encourage you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.







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